Digital Solutions

Le nostre Digital Solutions sono soluzioni innovative in grado di garantire una Customer Experience positiva anche in scenari complessi, e sono integrabili con i sistemi della tua azienda.

Questo è reso possibile grazie all’elevato livello tecnologico dei nostri software e dall’esperienza ultra decennale dei nostri professionisti. 

Digital Solutions

Our Digital Solutions are innovative solutions that guarantee a positive customer experience even in complex scenarios, and can be integrated with your company's systems.

Our Digital Solutions

Data & Video Collection

Collection of documents, files and videos for completion of business processes, via SMS and web links accessible with OTP (On Time Password). Assisted video streaming via dedicated consultant with real-time image and video saving upon completion of the business process.

Back Office Process Automation

In the panorama of digital solutions, the use of advanced semantic and OCR (optical character recognition) systems allow, together with AI modules, to automate complex back-office processes: reading, categorising, sorting and automatic approval of documents or emails on second-level processing queues (to an operator) with a phygital and multi-channel approach.

Automated customer care

Management of customer interactions through advanced Chatbot and Voicebot systems that in guided or conversational mode exploit Machine Learning models to respond to all first level requests. Passing only complex, caring or negative Sentyment Analysis requests to the operator.

Queue and access management

Multi-channel diary-based booking system that enables classic appointment taking (via Chatbot, Voicebot, Social). Optimisation of queue waiting times via Smart and Single Use booking codes directly from smartphones. Support for access restriction with multi-slot and multi-resource management.

Multi-channel interaction

Among the digital solutions offered by Call2Net, this multi-channel platform allows for the complete management of customer interactions: social, email, web forms, chat and IVR are some of the channels that flow into the management interface of the consultant, who will always have a complete and general view of the history of relations with the individual customer.

Sales network automation

Platform supporting sales networks to manage lead potential through pipeline, alerts and reminders. Pre-contact activities aimed at "warming up" the contact. Geolocalisation of business opportunities to better organise the agent's work on the move; real-time reporting and feedback management with "next step workflow".

Monitoring social media

Phygital solution for the detection of comments on corporate social channels, via AI semantics with consequent reporting of critical comments for brand reputation. Automatic first-level responses, via AI and Machine Learning algorithms, to information request posts. Identification of caring posts or those resulting from negative Sentiment Analysis with a switch to operator for priority management with a view to maintaining brand reputation and improving Customer Experience.

Improving customer interaction management processes

The digital solutions offering also includes customised application solutions for customer contact management, either standalone or integrated into the customer's processes. Intelligent CRM at the service of Contact Centres which, through AI SCoring, AI Forecasting and AI Onboarding algorithms, improves HR processes of personnel recruitment, entry planning, contract renewals and identification of training GAPs.

Contact us to discover all our Digital Solutions and to see together how you can integrate them into your Customer Interaction processes.

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