Case Study: Esselunga

Individuazione automatica dei post critici su canali Social

Industry: retail

Case Study: Esselunga

Automatic identification of critical posts on Social Media channels

Industry: retail

The challenge

For Esselunga, we set ourselves the challenge of implementing an automated system to detect critical posts on Social Media channels.

The challenge was to achieve the following KPI:

  • identification of at least 90% of critical posts
  • Saving time on average operator time: -50%.

How we faced the challenge for Esselunga

Solution: Machine Learning and AI

To reach the goal of this challenge, we introduced an advanced system that, thanks to AI and Machine Learning, is able to analyse all public and private posts on Social Media channels.

Once identified, the process automatically queues up critical posts to operators, for rapid management on a multichannel front-end.

Solutions adopted

Tools used

Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning


Automated Social Media coverage and cost reduction

Critical posts identified
0 %
Saving time on average operator time
0 %

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